Catherine Weingarten, Writer

Catherine Weingarten is a friendly jewish chick from an obscure area of Pennsylvania! Honors Include: the Scott McPherson Award and the Tennessee Williams Scholarship through the Sewanee Writer’s Conference. She has previously developed her “girly, trashy” work with Dixon Place, The Tank, Less Than Rent, Sam French OOB Short Play Festival, Last Frontier Theater Conference and has been awarded residencies through Bethany Arts Community and Monson Arts. Catherine has participated in Art House Production’s INKubator Writer’s Group, New Perspective’s Writer’s Group and The Shelter’s Virtual King Lear project. BA: Bennington College MFA: Ohio University
TAP Work:
"I am currently in the process of developing my own playwriting career as well as applying for Teaching Artist Jobs. I just got a new job as a Theater Teaching Assistant with Theater Apollo which I'm excited about! I am also interested in applying to grants for doing my playwriting workshops with adults."
Most Memorable TAP Moment:
"My favorite TAP moment was drawing a picture using coffee, mustard, jam and a pen. I never knew coffee could be used to paint with! Making some visual art with unconventional materials was an amazing reminder to shake up one's process, make art silly and think outside of the box."
Find out more about Catherine here: